Field's New Career- Years In the Making- A Personal Post

Thursday, May 22, 2014

We hardly post personal things on our blog, but it turns out, that is what you all want to hear about. ;) And to be honest, I am really happy to oblige. It will give me a space and platform to chat about the things that are going on in our lives from day to day that you all may relate to and this will be fun for the kids to read someday. I will have proof that I did not ONLY post pictures from work. Every week(at least once for now), I am going to take time to whip up a personal post.

So, if you have not heard via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any other social media tool yet...Field was offered a new job!! Yay. It is a really exciting time in our lives and this job was a huge answer to prayer for us. 5 Years ago, I started a little photography business and the first thing I needed besides after a camera, was a website. Some friends of ours, Jason and Jessica Williams of SessionNine Photography suggested a program called Showitfast. I looked into it and it seemed like a great thing, so I jumped on board. It was really the first thing I did for my business and I can't imagine where I would be today without Showit!! Lets fast forward 3 years later....Field and I began turning my business into OUR business, Ace & Whim. The more Field became involved,  it was obvious, this was where God wanted us. This was actually really hard for me. As much as I adore my husband, I had built the business and I selfishly wanted the credit and control. I am still coping with the control, but I have really let go of the selfish desires I had for "my" business and we have transitioned nicely to a co-ownership.

Right around this time, Field was between jobs and he really wasn't loving where he was. As his wife, I just wanted him to be happy and love his job. We had talked about him working for Showit before and I just remembered saying, "If you ever had the opportunity to work for Showit, that would be perfect for you..."

Fast forward one more year...Field has been working full time as a project manager and shooting with me at our weddings on the weekends! We also had been getting more and more involved within our photography community. I had been mentoring and we were volunteering in any way we could to help nurture a healthy photography industry. This Winter, Field and I had set a goal for him to leave his current job by the Summer of 2014, so he could come on full time to Ace & Whim. Only a few weeks later, there was a 6 figure job which I said, you can work for Ace & Whim in a couple more years. haha. The company had to move some people around to bring on Field, so we were patiently waiting. And then sneak attack, along comes Showit, and offers Field a position. And not just any position. Seriously, this position was created for him! Quite the pickle we were in, really.

Remember, we always said, "If Showit ever offered you a job..." But 6 figures....AHHH. We need to pray and think and talk and pray and sleep. repeat. We really felt God was opening doors with Showit, especially since it was something that had really been on our hearts for so long.

Field and I both felt really strongly that the right decision was, Showit. So, our new journey has just begun. Field will be traveling around the country, loving on people(like only Field can) and building up a community of photography leaders! And we(the kids and I) will be tagging along sometimes(more on that to come).

God's plan is so much bigger than we can possibly comprehend and there is just no way I can fit it all in one post!!  The day we decided, Field would take the job, I read this:

"You are on the path of My choosing. There is no randomness about your life. Here and Now compromise the coordinates of your daily life....As you give yourself more and more to a life of constant communion with Me, you will find that you simply have no time to worry. Thus you are freed to let My Sprit direct your steps, enabling you to walk along the path of Peace."

If you would like join us on this journey as our lives unfold, please follow us here on the blog as well as Instagram! 



  1. We are seriously so so excited for you guys! Dustin and I both agree that having Field at Showit is one of the best things ever :)

  2. Love this!! So excited for you guys, I barely know Field but I do know he is perfect for this and I am super excited for all the things to come :)


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